Mountain Backpacks Program
Serving Evergreen and our surrounding communities since 2013
Donate Food - Shop Online - It's Easy!
Shop online at using our wish list for food items.
Thank You Mountain Residents!
The volunteers of the MBP provide backpacks of food and pantry items each week to students in 12 schools in Jeffco and Clear Creek.
If you'd like to join our all-volunteer team, please contact Janet at [email protected]
Donations of food can be dropped off at Evergreen Lutheran Church and Tupper's Team Real Estate/Madison & Company Properties. Or, shop online at using our wish list for food items!
Despite wide spread efforts, food insecurity, meaning a lack of fiance to stably supply food, has sky-rocked in recent months. We need your help to counteract this growing issue, and donations of any kind are appreciated.
- 11.8% Percentage of Jefferson Country youth (under 18) that live below the Federal Poverty Level.
- 30% Percentage of students enrolled in Jeffco Public Schools (grades Pre-K through 12th) eligible for free and reduced lunch.
- 14% Percentage of Colorado high school students who reported they went hungry at least sometimes due to a lack of food at home.
- 1 in 7 Colorado kids of all ages lived in households that experienced food insecurity.
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