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A Bike Path, Shoulders, Pedestrian Facilities & Improved Drainage


Highway 73 Improvement Project

Carrie Hurich

I grew up in the foothills as part of a hard-working family, where I learned the value of a strong work ethic...

I grew up in the foothills as part of a hard-working family, where I learned the value of a strong work ethic...

May 1 3 minutes read

Project Overview:

Jefferson County Road 73 (or JC-73) is the primary travel route for residents of Evergreen between their homes and destinations along State Highway 74 with ultimate connections to I-70 and C-470. Access to US-285 at Conifer is also available along JC-73 to the south of the project corridor. This roadway is a link for hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. In the event of an emergency, it is one of the primary evacuation routes for the foothill residents of Jefferson County. 

JC-73 has long been identified as a road where improvements are needed, especially bike and pedestrian infrastructure, shoulders, and access to properties, businesses, and downtown Evergreen. 

On a previous effort, conceptual designs were presented to the public and a preferred alternative was selected. The preliminary design for the selected alternative is currently being completed and is presented below. The project includes an approximately ½ mile segment of JC-73 between Buffalo Park Road and Plettner Lane. This segment is the last of ongoing bike and safety improvements that have been completed or scheduled for JC-73. However, it is also the most challenging segment due to physical constraints. 

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) funding has been secured to construct safety and operational improvements including bike lanes / shoulders and pedestrian facilities. The roadway will also be reconstructed, including drainage improvements and bridge replacement.

Project Schedule:

The project team completed a preliminary design in winter 2021 and is waiting on state and federal approvals for drainage and historical findings prior to finalizing the project design. The preliminary design was completed at the end of 2021, after public outreach had been performed and public input was received.

The current phase, final design, is anticipated to be completed by summer 2022. Utility relocation work may occur in the fall of 2022, prior to the roadway construction phase of the project. The construction phase is anticipated to begin early 2023 after right-of-way has been acquired and a contractor awarded. Construction is expected to be completed by summer 2024.

Design Project Impact:

The design project will have limited impacts on traffic during the final design phase. The public will be impacted when the project design team is collecting data to locate and confirm existing utilities. The utility location will be collected with the use of test holes completed by a vac truck. Crews will be locating underground utilities in County Road 73 from March 22 through April 1, 2022. (Complete Now).

Project Video (PDF Version):

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